A few add the word "City" to the county seat, but they're otherwise the same name. For example, Karnes City is the seat of Karnes County and Sterling City is the seat of Sterling County.
Of the 158 counties I've officially visited, three of them take a different approach. The name of the county and the name of the county seat are taken from the first and last name of the person (Okay, the man, I have yet to visit a county named after a woman!) the county is named after. To wit.
1. Gail (county seat of), Borden County: Gail Borden
2. Anson (county seat of) Jones County: Anson Jones
The third county got it backswards for some reason.
3. McKinney (county seat of) Collin County: McKinney, Collin
This intrigues me. Why would the county have been named for Collin McKinney and used his first name in lieu of his last name? It's not as if there was already a McKinney County. Any ideas why it's "Collin" County and not "McKinney" County?
Regardless of its backwards name, Collin County is sure growing quickly! Click here.
To change the subject, just how "small" is Rockwall County? I've found figures of 147 and 149 square miles online and even 129 square miles, if you subtract the 20 square miles of the county that are under water! On Monday I'm calling the county to find out the official size of this little bitty county.