I remained in the hospital until the following Tuesday, the 27th, when I was allowed to go home.
I've since learned that only 6% of Diverticulitis cases required surgery. Too bad I fell within this small group!
I am now recovering, slowly and with some pain, from the necessary trauma inflicted on my body in order to save it. I understand that in a couple of months, when everything has stabilized and the doctors are certain the infection is gone, I will undergo a second operation to remove the colostomy and re-attached my colon. Following a second recovery period, I should be good to go.
Given the way I feel today, a courthouse road trip is out of the question. I've canceled my panhandle trip scheduled for September 12-16 and will take a "wait and see" position. Frankly, I may not be able to travel and photograph courthouses at all this fall/winter.
I'm very disappointed, but grateful for the ability of medical personnel to cure me. In the meantime, I'm resting and taking the first steps towards returning to work. Courthouse website work will follow as I gain sufficient energy and concentration. (I have a backlog of 11 new counties to keep me busy.)
UPDATE October 6, 2013
My surgeon has scheduled by second operation for Monday, October 14, 2013. I am eager to is get this surgery over with and begin my recovery! Cheers!